The Synod on Synodality from an Ecumenical Perspective with Nicholas Jesson
The Synod on Synodality from an Ecumenical Perspective with Nicholas Jesson

Getting ready for Vocations Sunday April 30
Fr. Jarek Pachocki OMI, OMI Vocation Director, meets with Mark Guevarra about his experience of living faith as #LGBTQCatholic

Pope Francis affirms vision of Concerned Lay Catholics in Canada
…A Church where lay people and pastors live out true fraternity, working side by side every day, in every area of pastoral ministry.”

Reflecting on the Continental Stage-Synod on Synodality
Enlarge the Space of your Tent (Is 54:2)-Reflections on the Continental Stage of the Synod on Synodality Professor Dr Myriam Wijlens, University of Erfurt Germany. Tuesday February 28 at 7 p.m. Lecture with Guest Panelists Archbishop Andre Durocher and Dr. Catherine E. Clifford

Continental Assemblies in full swing- learn more about what the rest of the world is saying- as well as the process here in North America
This is a most inspired moment in the life of our Church and one that holds promise for a renewed witness of unity in diversity in a world that is becoming increasingly divided.

Synod on Synodality - Boston College MOOC (Massive Online Open Course)- Part II
The Second Intercontinental Massive Online Course (MOOC) under the theme History, Theology and Practice of Synodality.

CLC Continues its participation in the Synod with a forum on the Continental Stage:
Enlarge the space of your tent - entering the continental phase of the Synod.

Canada and the U.S. joining together in the Continental stage
Representatives from each diocese in the United States and Canada will be attending one of these assemblies to reflect on and discuss the DCS

Free MOOC (online course) on the theology and practice of Synodality
A new online course to help you engage in Synodality