
As Lay Catholics called by our baptism to lead lives rooted in the gospel values of justice and mercy, we envision a Church undergoing a profound pastoral conversion and purification in order to accomplish its mission with greater transparency and accountability.


In light of the sexual abuse scandal that has damaged the credibility of the Catholic Church’s witness, our mission is to respond to the Canadian Catholic Bishops’ call for healing, reconciliation and transformation to revitalize the Church through new, more collaborative forms of ministry.

We do this by promoting healing and reconciliation for abuse survivors; empowering lay leadership and addressing clericalism; fostering transparency and accountability; engaging and collaborating with like-minded individuals and groups who share this vision.  


Rooted in the vision of Jesus and his values as expressed in the Gospel; and in the vision of Church expressed by Vatican II and Pope Francis, we affirm the following values:

  • Recognition of the spirit of God found within each person and all of Creation

  • Radical equality and the dignity of every person

  • Shared leadership

  • Co-responsibility

  • Transparency

  • Accountability

  • Humility

  • Hospitality

Call To Action 

1. To Foster Healing/Reconciliation/Reaching out to abuse survivors.

  • Support Abuse Victims/Survivors and their Families by amplifying their voices
  • Pray for survivors of clergy sexual abuse and their families
  • Advocate for the reforms that abuse survivors say will help them heal

2. To Enable Lay Leadership.

  • Provide opportunities for the education and spiritual development of the laity
  • Support for lay people by lay people in their leadership development
  • Provide a vehicle for lay people to have their voices heard.

3. To Foster Transparency and Accountability

  • Communicate with lay people to make them more aware of what is happening in their own church.
  • Provide easy access to accurate information about the Catholic church, in Canada and around the world, as we are able
  • Foster financial and governance transparency in parishes and diocese.

4. To Address Clericalism

  • Seek ways to implement Pope Francis’ vision of mercy and healing at the heart of the church; of a synodal church
  • Foster a commitment to Co-Responsibility: the creation of a Church in which lay Catholics work hand in hand with ordained Catholics, in an equal partnership.
  • Seek ways to influence seminary training for collaborative leadership
  • Encourage investment in leadership and management training in seminary education and ongoing formation programs for lay ecclesial ministers, diocesan staff, seminarians, deacons, priests, and bishops.
  • Support diversifying the Clergy
  • Facilitate more Lay participation in and oversight of Diocesan Functions.
  • Strengthen and empower Parish Councils.

5. To ensure a vibrant, spirit-filled future for our Church

  • Reach out to young families, youth and young adults.
  • Reach out to other bypassed communities in our church and help them to make their voices heard.
  • Promote a listening posture as we strive to include all who seek healing, reconciliation and purpose through our church community.

6. To Seed and Encourage New Groups in other places

  • Connect to like-minded groups in Canada and around the world.
  • Welcome and support people in communities/dioceses across the country who share our vision. Perhaps in other countries too
  • Develop a communication strategy to share our mission and message.