Other Organizations in Canada and Around the World

  1. Association of Pittsburgh Priests

    The Association of Pittsburgh Priests is a diocesan-wide organization of ordained and non-ordained women and men who act on our baptismal call to be priests and prophets. Our mission, rooted in the Gospel and the Spirit of Vatican II, is to carry out a ministry of justice and renewal in ourselves, the Church and the world.

  2. Awake Milwaukee https://awakemilwaukee.org/

  3. Bishop Accountability https://www.bishop-accountability.org/

  4. Catholic Church Reform Int’l: A Global Network Seeking Renewal of the Church

  5. Catholics for Change in Our Church (Pittsburgh)

    An independent organization of concerned, committed Catholics, based in Pittsburgh, formed to affirm the laity’s rightful role of co-responsibility in the Church. Our focus is to bring about positive changes grounded in working collaboratively with the clergy and having the qualities of transparency, accountability, and competency.

  6. Centre for Child Protection, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome - Discover the heart of our work: a victims-first approach

    The Centre for Child Protection (CCP) of the Pontifical Gregorian University is dedicated to providing educational resources—both basic training and specialized formation—for people working in the field of safeguarding minors.

    Why CCP? Watch this video

  7. Centre for Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Persons

  8. International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect

    For 40 years, ISPCAN has worked to reduce this preventable tragedy. Founded by Henry Kempe in 1977, ISPCAN is the only international non-profit organization that brings together the range of professionals that work toward the prevention and treatment of child abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

  9. Southdown Institute

    Check out “Healthy Ministers for a Healthy Church (7 min)” from Southdown on Vimeo.

  10. Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP)

    SNAP is an independent, peer network of survivors of institutional sexual abuse and their supporters who work to:

    • Support Survivors

    • Protect Children

    • Protect the vulnerable

    • Heal the wounded

    • Expose the truth

  11. Thrive Child and Youth Trauma Services

    We believe thriving children create thriving communities. To that end, we focus on a community-wide response to childhood trauma that combines excellence in treatment, state-of-the-art education, and community-oriented prevention initiatives aimed at reducing the incidence and impact of child maltreatment and promoting the safe and healthy development of children. Tools are provided on the Thrive website for parents who are interested in learning more about how to safeguard their children. Online Parent/Caregiver Education Program

  12. Anglican Diocese of Niagara Truth and Reconciliation

    Our diocese seeks to live into the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 calls to action and confront the ways in which it has embodied colonial attitudes.

    In a first-of-its kind appointment, Bishop Michael Bird has named Valerie Kerr as Archdeacon for Truth, Reconciliation and Indigenous ministry. Archdeacon Val is charged with helping the Bishop implement the Anglican Church of Canada’s commitment to truth and reconciliation in the Diocese of Niagara. This ministry includes teaching, building relationships, and fostering healing and reconciliation between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples. (read more)

    For more information contact: The Venerable Valerie Kerr / Archdeacon for Truth, Reconciliation and Indigenous Ministry