Concerned Lay Catholics

A Voice for Lay Catholics in Canada

But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into Christ - Eph. 4:15

Seeding and Encouraging New Groups

  • Connect to like-minded groups in Canada and around the world.

  • Welcome and support people in communities/dioceses across the country who share our vision. Perhaps in other countries, too

  • Develop a communication strategy to share our mission and message.

As we reach out to other parts of the country, we have begun to sow seeds that we hope will take root and sprout. We encourage lay people in every diocese to take up the call of the Bishops and the Holy Father and to get involved in the work of healing, reconciliation and transformation of our church. In parishes and dioceses all over the world, lay people are coming together in living rooms, church basements and around dinner tables. They are bringing their faith, their compassion and their skills to help rebuild the Church according to the mind of Christ. Learn about some of them by following these links. [Organizational Resources]

Let us know if you are interested in starting a CLC group or hosting a presentation to test interest among the lay Catholics in your diocese by filling out the form on our contact us page


The virtue of hope requires us to be more attentive to what is emerging than to what is disappearing. And to nurture the tiny seeds of that future already growing in the present. - Sean Byron CSSP

Related Resources

There are numerous other organizations around the world that have as their focus some of the priorities that we’ve identified. We’ve compiled a list of these on our organizational resources page

We’ve put together an extensive Parish Toolkit to help you facilitate discussions around these topics in your own parish. You can find that here and through the resource links at the top of the page.