Who Are we?

We are a group of lay people from many walks of life committed to gathering in the spirit of Jesus and his followers while striving to live out the Gospel message of radical love, hope, and freedom.

We are: readers, choir members, cantors, eucharistic ministers; some of us bring communion to the sick and shut ins; lay associates of religious orders; active with Development and Peace, the CWL, and with refugees through parish sponsorships. We are truly engaged in the life of our parishes and the life of the Church. What we have in common is a deep faith in Jesus Christ and abiding love for the Church.

We are a group of concerned lay Catholics committed to the Church – the Body of Christ – to promote healing among all affected by the sexual abuse scandal and to instill a sense of co-responsibility between laity and clergy to restore trust through transparency, accountability, the empowerment of the laity, and the elimination of clericalism in all its forms.

Embracing the nonbinary Kingdom vision of Jesus which transcends the polarization of right and left, conservative and progressive labels, we welcome those who share this vision to join our efforts.  

 Planning Group

+ Rita Bailey

Rita Bailey is co-chair of St. Joseph's Social Justice Committee and a member of its Indigenous Justice sub-committee. An active member of Development and Peace, Rita serves on the Hamilton Diocesan Council for D+P (12 years) and currently serves as Chair. She is also a member of Eco-Locke, (the Ecological Churches of Locke St), an ecumenical group that promotes care for creation.

+ Beverly Bronte Tinkew

Beverly’s faith permeates all aspects of her life. From her work with children as a Speech and Language Pathologist to sharing her musical gifts as a cantor and a section lead in various church choirs, to welcoming and supporting refugees, Beverly has dedicated herself to connecting people to their deepest selves through loving communication. Bev is in formation to become a Lay Spiritan and is a lector at St. Joseph’s Parish.

+ Jane Canale

Jane Canale came back to the church after some years of being overwhelmed by clericalism. As a holistic health practitioner, Jane works to restore health in both individuals and society through balancing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. She is a Eucharistic Minister at Saint Joseph's parish in Hamilton.

+ Con Hamilton

Con Hamilton was a founding member of the Peace and Development Group in Canadian Martyrs Parish in Hamilton. A member of Amnesty International since 1973, and a past chair of Group 21 in Burlington. He has been a member of CLC since inception and is currently a member of St. Joseph's parish in Hamilton.

+ Maureen Harper

Maureen and Paul are married since 1969, with 10 grandchildren. As Catholic teacher, CWL past-president and Cluny Associate, her faith-sharing, compassionate works include: marriage programs, ‘Loss skills’ for elementary students, education against pornography and sex trafficking, refugee families, liturgy and music, Eucharistic and mental hospital ministries. Maureen attained LIMEX Theology and CPE (Basic Unit 1) Certificates.

+ Catherine Pead

An active Catholic all her life, Catherine spent the past 25 years helping community organizations navigate crises and regain public confidence. Before that, she was a campus minister and high school chaplain in both the US and Canada. She holds a MA in Religion and Religious Education from Fordham University and a Certificate in Spiritual Direction.

+ Ken Sherman

For thirty years Ken has been an active member of the Hamilton Catholic Community, volunteering with refugee settlement, choir and proclamation ministry. As a community organizer in Western NY, Ken worked on issues of peace, energy conservation, environment, housing. From 1963-69 Ken was pastor of two urban churches (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) in Buffalo, NY.

+ Gary Warner

Gary Warner is an emeritus professor who taught and held various administrative positions at McMaster University. He was also active in the Hamilton community on a wide range of social justice issues for over 50 years. A Lay Spiritan for 25+ years., Gary is a member of the Order of Canada.

+ Joy Warner

A founding member of Culture of Peace Hamilton and former National Chair for Canadian Voice of Women for Peace. Joy is a Lay Spiritan who Coordinates the Spiritan Office for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC) for English speaking Canada. Joy co-edited the recent book “Waging Peace in Hamilton.


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CLC wishes to acknowledge the generous assistance of the following talented individuals who donated their time and skills to the creation of this website:

Andrea Abeysekara

Christine Carbotte

Karen Holladay

Keith Jolie

Stephanie Taylor

Thank you! We could not have done it without you!