CLC Continues its participation in the Synod with a forum on the Continental Stage:

Enlarge the space of your tent. (Isaiah 54.2)

Join us as we discuss the Document for the Continental Stage (DCS) and how it compares to the CLC Report we produced together last year. Our Canadian bishops are working with the US Bishops to prepare their joint response to the DCS which will influence the final documents to be dsicussed at the formal Synod meeting in October 2023. Facilitated by Catherine Pead and Christine Way Skinner.

Become informed and add your voice!

Tuesday February 14, 2023 7-8:30 p.m. (Zoom)

To register, click here

To help you prepare to engage meaningfully in the discussion, here are a couple of suggestions:

1. Read the Vatican’s document for the Continental Stage (DCS)

and CLC’s Synodal Report

2. On Tuesday January 31, consider attending a panel discussion on the Synod Process: Where it has been and where it is going, hosted by the Galilee Centre. Panelists include Archbishop Paul-Andre Durocher et al.  No cost, registration is required. Click here to register online, or call the Centre office at 613-623-4242 x 21.

For further information, contact:


Can concerned Catholics repair the Church? With Dr. Tom Urbaniak of Cape Breton University


December Newsletter