Pope Francis affirms vision of Concerned Lay Catholics in Canada
According to a recent article in the National Catholic Reporter… Laypeople are not "guests" in the Catholic Church and priests are not the "bosses," Pope Francis said; rather all the baptized belong and share responsibility for its life and mission.
To fulfill its mission, the church must "overcome autonomous ways of acting or parallel tracks that never meet: clergy separated from laity," or the "Roman Curia separated from particular churches" or movements separated from parishes, he said.
“I would like all of us to hold in our hearts and minds this beautiful vision of the Church: a Church geared toward the mission where we combine our forces and walk together to evangelize. A Church where what binds us is our identify as baptized Christians, our belonging to Jesus. A Church where lay people and pastors live out true fraternity, working side by side every day, in every area of pastoral ministry.”
At CLC, this is our vision too!
Read the whole article here.