Is Pope Francis, a polarizing figure for Catholic hard-liners, ready for the coming schism?
The undiscriminating, reform-minded people’s pontiff faces growing resistance from conservative factions within the Church. The prospect of a split is not to be ignored.

The war in Ukraine's impact on the synodal process
The war in Ukraine's impact on the synodal process

‘Peace is a duty; peace is everyone’s responsibility!’
Pope pleads for peace in Easter message

The church needs to name and confront 'clerical fragility' NCR OnLine Daniel P. Horan
In this article, Father Horan raises some very probing questions about the participation of clergy the conversation about clergy sexual abuse in the Church.

The Way of the Cross with Survivors from Awake Milwaukee
Here is a powerful way to enter into the suffering of Jesus this Holy Week.

Introducing…Catherine Pead, Secretary of Concerned Lay Catholics
Introducing Catherine Pead - CLC Secretary