Nicholas Jesson
Nicholas Jesson, a Roman Catholic theologian, has been an ecumenical leader in Saskatchewan for nearly 30 years, now serving as ecumenical officer in Regina and formerly in Saskatoon. He is a former executive director of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism. He is a member of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue in Canada, a member of the Commission on Faith & Witness of the Canadian Council of Churches (CCC), and a former member of the Roman Catholic-United Church Dialogue. Nick is Synod Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Regina.
Married to the Rev. Amanda Currie, a Presbyterian minister, Nick has been actively involved with an international network of Interchurch Families and continues to champion the contributions that these families offer to the churches and the work of Christian unity.
Nick is editor of the website "Ecumenism in Canada" and dialogue archivist for both the international Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue and the Margaret O'Gara Ecumenical Dialogue Collection, a website of the Canadian Council of Churches.
About this Series - Each month, Concerned Lay Catholics invites you to join in conversation about some aspect of synodality and its implications for our life in the church. A different resource person or panel will get us started each month. Then we will all have an opportunity to share in the spirit of synodality.
Future Topics include:
May 5 -TBD