Synod Preparatory Documents

How are all the members of the People of God to be included in the process?

On September 7, 2021, the Vatican released two preparatory documents describing the process and how the people of God are to be included. These documents are far-reaching, inclusive and inspiring. Moreover they are addressed to not only practising Catholics, but to those who have left the church and even other members of the broader community. We encourage every lay Catholic including those who have left the church- to read these documents. 

  1. For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission

  1. Official Handbook (Vademecum) for Listening and Discernment in Local Churches: First Phase [October 2021-April 2022]  which is a hand book or a road map for how the Vatican expects the Bishops to BE synodal in preparation for the Synod.

Each bishop has been asked to appoint a Diocesan Coordinator or two Coordinator(s). The bishops are encouraged to appoint at least one woman. The coordinator(s) are to assemble a diocesan team to lead the Diocesan Phase which requires listening to people- as many as possible: the people who come to church, those who don’t, people who are struggling with their faith or their membership in the church, people who are often left out, the poor, the marginalized, the abused, the differently-abled, the neglected, people from culturally diverse groups, people who work in Catholic organizations such as education, social service or healthcare, even other Christians, members of other faiths, civic leaders and secular community members.  These are all named in the document. Ideally, the local church (diocese) will set up listening sessions, using the suggested questions provided in the Vademecum. 

If for any reason people are unable to participate in a diocesan listening session, they are invited to make their submissions directly to Rome. 

"By walking together, and together reflecting on the journey made, the Church will be
able to learn from what it will experience which processes can help it to live
communion, to achieve participation, to open itself to mission."