Publications and Educational Resources

 This list has been compiled by CLC members over time as we have gone about educating ourselves about the clergy sexual abuse crisis and related issues. It covers various topics that have been raised in our CLC group and at parish meetings. We wish to emphasize that this list is not intended to be comprehensive or exhaustive. Rather it is provided as examples of books, articles, journals, videos and websites we found helpful as we grappled with the questions raised by the clergy sexual abuse crisis. We encourage you to use it as a jumping off point for your own learning, not as prescriptive. If you have resources that you have found to be helpful, please let us know

 Sr Nuala Kenny is a Sister of Charity of Halifax, a Canadian physician and pediatrician. She has been an expert resource on every Canadian Catholic inquiry into child sexual abuse since the Newfoundland case broke in the late 1980’s. Sr. Nuala has dedicated herself to the healing of victims and the conversion of the church through her writing and speaking. Her most recent book on the subject Still Unhealed is available from Novalis.

 Church Documents and Resources

CLC Reports

  • Brief for Bishop Crosby, March, 2019; 

  • Responding in Faith to Global Clergy Abuse: Report to Bishop Crosby, September 2020

  • Slide presentation to Bishop September 2020

  • Follow up Letter to Bishop Crosby, December 2020


General Church Resources

Homosexuality and the Church’s Teachings

Priestly Celibacy

Systemic Racism and Catholic Church


Women and/in the Church