Synodality: A Church that Listens to Learn … and Learns to Listen!
Join Concerned Lay Catholics at one or more of our upcoming Synodal listening sessions by Zoom for folks who might not feel comfortable attending a parish or diocesan conversation.
We are also hosting some sessions for specific groups whose nature may transcend diocesan boundaries.
The sessions will be scheduled between February and June 2022 and will be facilitated by CLC members.
Sessions already being planned include:
General sessions offered in different time zones
Victim/Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse -in collaboration with Recovery Speaking Initiative (RSI)
Lay Employees of the Church (Lay Ecclesial Ministers, Parish Secretaries, Sacramental Coordinators, Housekeepers, Maintenance staff, Chancery office staff, chaplains)
Older Adults in the Church
2SLGBTQ+ folks and their allies
Other may be added so keep checking back.
To register, go to our Synodality page and choose the group, date and time that you would like to attend. You may attend one, or two, or a series, depending on your interest.
We will send the collected input (with no personally identifying information) to the CCCB before the end of June, in hopes they will consolidate our input into their Episcopal Conference Report due at the Vatican by August 15, 2022. We will also submit to our input directly to the Synod office.