Synodal Activities Wrap Up at CLC

The CLC synodality activities wound up this week with our synodal survey closing at midnight May 15 and our final synodal conversation (Interfaith) on Monday evening (May 16).

On behalf of CLC's Synodality Committee, the CLC Planning Group and all the participants who attended between February and May, we want to thank you our volunteer facilitators most sincerely for their generous gift of time and talent in making our synodal sessions such a success. It wouldn't have been the same without you!

We also want to thank all those who participated in a session (or more!) and completed a survey. We met so many wonderful, faith-filled lay Catholics from across the country, people who are committed to the Church's renewal and ready to help. We also met people who have been wounded by the Church, feel let down or abandoned. Many of these folks are still assessing the relationship.

Everyone, no matter where they are on the path, made a significant contribution, and for that we are most grateful.

The Synodality Committee wants you to know what will happen next…

1. Preparing and Submitting the Report

The Vatican requires that submissions be no more than 10 pages. So, we have to condense the notes from the sessions accordingly. We will condensed the notes we received from each of the sessions to reflect the key points as we understand them. We will check these with the facilitators to make sure we get it right. Our goal is to draft the report by the end of May, send it to the CLC Planning Group for review/comments, make any final revisions and then submit to the CCCB and to the Vatican Synod Office by mid-end of June.

2. Meeting with Facilitators - Sharing and Appreciation June 24

We are inviting all our volunteer facilitators to join us for an appreciation event on Zoom on Friday June 24 from 1-3 ( 2 p.m. AT, 11 a.m. PT). We think it would be nice for our facilitators to meet each other and also to share a bit about their experience of the synodal process. We will be asking their opinion about where we might go from here. Many people in the sessions expressed an interest in continuing to meet to discuss or take other actions. So please watch for the website/newsletter for developments.

3. Publishing the Report

After the Facilitators Meeting on June 24, we will post the Synod Report on the CLC website and invite you to read it, share it and reflect on what it might mean for you and your engagement with the Church in general and with Concerned Lay Catholics in particular.

If you have any questions about any of this, please don't hesitate to be in touch. We will be seeking your input as to how we should move forward- so stay tuned!


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