Lay Ecclesial Movements: Pope Francis’ prayer intention for May
Pope Francis has announced what we at CLC have known for some time: lay ecclesial movements are the work of the Holy Spirit and a gift to the Church. “These movements renew the Church with their capacity for dialogue at the service of her evangelizing mission.” He notes, too, that each group has its own unique charism, which allows them to demonstrate both the beauty and the novelty of the Gospel proclamation.
Each charism is different, he explains, thanks to the creativity that marks the various groups and movements. Although they seem to be speaking different languages, by understanding themselves, they are able to make themselves understood. At the same time, the Pope warns them to avoid the temptation of turning in on themselves, by inviting them to continue to work “at the service of the Bishops and the parishes.”
We could not have come up with a better description of Concerned Lay Catholics. We are a movement, not separate from, but an integral part of the Church. Our mission is to educate, engage and empower lay people to bring their gifts more fully into their parishes, dioceses, and institutions. Lay people have myriad gifts to share and a fervent desire to do so.
“Ecclesial movements are groups of people committed to an apostolate with their own specific charism, which the Holy Spirit grants for the common good of the Church. Composed mainly of members of the lay faithful, the search for a personal encounter with Christ unites them. At the same time, at the service of the Gospel, they dialogue with today’s women and men, wherever they are.”