Concerned Lay Catholics

A Voice for Lay Catholics in Canada

But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into Christ - Eph. 4:15

Concerned Lay Catholics

We are an independent group of concerned committed lay Catholics formed in Canada to affirm the laity’s role of co-responsibility in the Church. Our vision, mission, and values flow from the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, the vision of the Holy Father Pope Francis, and the call of the Canadian Bishops for healing, reconciliation and transformation. 

We want to work to restore trust and promote healing in the Catholic Church by encouraging lay people to become educated, engaged and empowered to act in the following key areas:

Registration links for the Regional Synodal Conversations are below:

Click here to register for Atlantic Canada

Click here to register for Praries

Click here to register for BC and the Northwest

Click here to register for Eastern Ontario/Ottawa/Quebec

Click here to register for Northern Ontario

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